Is there a relationship between space-time (the gravitational field) and everyday phenomenon such as visual perspective…?
“Gravitational waves are ‘ripples’ in the fabric of space-time caused by some of the most violent and energetic processes in the Universe”. See LIGO
Understanding the interaction of energy within the context of space is paramount in any physical theory. This section models how the various spatial elements emerge, their roles in the formation of reality and the arrow of time.
The central part of EMT recognizes a flat, quasi-Euclidean void and two transformation-spaces that function within that void. These two transformation spaces are fields of energy, whereas the void is nothing. Specifying two types of transformation space may seem excessive but the occurrence of the Big Bang would make this the minimum required to spawn our universe. A step-down process that produces a quasi-negative image of the primary transformation space seems necessary resulting in a secondary space. Although this section treats elements that by their very nature plunge them into an esoteric, quasi-metaphysical area, it may be one of the most revealing parts of the treatise. For while keeping all the tenets of EMT intact, it pushes them to their limits of physical plausibility. The beauty of the system at this point is that the logic seldom splits to give multiple options, but proceeds to firm, non-discretionary conclusions.
The model outlined here may not represent the final word but at the very least, it will serve as a rough sketch of how the actuality is stitched together at its most fundamental level. Other variations or intermediate spaces may emerge.
Understanding these spaces is not critical to understanding the functioning of the expanding matrix, however it does help in understanding the elements within the context of a background independent theory. That is to say; how anything can exist at all, where nothing would be expected to exist. This section is dedicated to delimiting why these spaces would have their distinct features.
A True Void (the 1st space)
The first space is an extra-universal, non-dynamic, non-transformation space to be referred to here as a true void or absolute space. It is a flat, quasi-Euclidean space, with no ether-like quality that could allow it to transmit light, produce visual perspective or have any physical nature within the context of what we think of as space. Its contribution is by omission and lies in the fact that it does not interact with, nor impose any physical constraints on energy. Unlike the other two spaces, it is not part of a physical continuum nor has any medium with which to transmit matrix energy. The two other matrices must supply their own field-components or “ether” that serve as transmission-mediums. Except within the context of being nothing, to say one can discern the nature of this space at this stage would probably be an overstatement. Discernment may be arrived at separately via our understanding of energy, its limitations and the use of syllogistic reasoning. However, within this same context, we could say that even “nothing” invokes at least one amazing conclusion, i.e.; it must be assumed to extend to infinity (beyond the finite energy parameter). The salient point is that it has no dynamical or physical constituents, so asserts no physical constraints on energy, except one; it’s infinite nature creates an inverted tension on the finite parameter of the energy. By in a sense accentuating the limitations of the energy parameter, time forms allowing for physical existence.
The nature of this space must not be confused with space-time (the space we experience around us). Energy is diluted into space-time, the way milk is diluted by pouring it into water. That is a partial explanation of why we see dissipation of energy. All our physical measurements are subject to a comparison of these two components, one against the other. They are gauge measurements not absolute quantities. In absolute space however, energy can expand forever with no dissipation, because there is nothing to dilute it. Only energy can dilute energy.
Being infinite, the void can never be filled by a finite energy. This imposes a constraint on the energy. Time becomes a manifestation of this constraint (finiteness). That is to say, the finite energy, or energy as a field, expands trying to fill the infinite void (an impossible task). This is wherein I believe, lies the conjunction of the concepts of time vs. space, leaving no ambiguity that time truly exists but not space (as we perceive it). This of course refers to space, not the nothing of the void. That is, neither transformation space truly exists as space, but that space-time seems to exist by means of the time-delay it produces. The very finiteness of the energy component means it can never fill the infinite void. Even if it were to expand instantaneously, it could never do so, because it is finite in extent, whereas the void is infinite. It is the tension between these two elements, which produces the most fundamental time that acts as the background upon which every other arrow of time moves. The expansion then produces both the change we know as time and through a series of detours within our quantum world, produces forces and all other phenomenon that make up what we know as reality.
The expansion then would be the primary arrow of time, however it seems certain that subsequent arrows of time are spawned within the secondary transformation space (i.e. space-time…the 3rd space).
The Primary Transformation Space (the 2nd space)
The 2nd space is the primary or 1st transformation-space. This is the space out of which our universal spatial matrix is born (the 3rd space). It is also an expanding matrix but in a purer form than our universal matrix. In a certain sense it would be a hyper-probability-matrix, which may be somewhat articulated via the probability of quantum theory. How and why does this space exist? This is a profound question, which ultimately can only be guessed at. The language has yet to be formulated to describe what can only be intuitively perceived. The best one can arrive at is to draw a simple, plausible conclusion for its components, then try to build a common language to describe it.
A Secondary Transformation Space (the 3rd space)
This 3rd space is a secondary transformation space, the one we interpret as the medium our universe is or exists within (space-time). Although a secondary expanding matrix, it is for us, our primary matrix. It is dominated by energy gradients that give birth to temporal effects, which in turn produce effects that we interpret as space. It is not however space at all, as we envision it, but a temporally driven transformation medium through which information moves between material objects at a non-instantaneous rate. This gives rise to visual perspective, which embodies our impressions of what space is and how it functions to produce the medium we interpret as “space”. To imagine this geometry correctly, it might help not to think of this energy field as spread across some other space but as packed together as separate bands that delay the transmission of light depending on how many bands it has to pass through. The delay combined with the effect of the matrix’ expansion (see: Spatial Perspective and the Arrow of Time) is what creates the effect of distance. Thus although the delay in transmission could create an effect at reality of perhaps billions of light years, in the actuality, the components are not separated at all except by the field buffer. This could explain quantum strangeness, with phenomenon such as action at a distance and entanglement.
Regarding these three spaces then, it is being said above, that; the void is the only true space but it does nothing to effect reality except by omission. The next space (the 1st transformation space) is not a space at all but a time-like transformation medium of energy. The 3rd space (3rd space but 2nd transformation space) is not a true space either but a time-like transformation medium for energy (like the 1st transformation space). Solid matter is another question because by it’s extension, imparts to us our sense of what we believe empty space to be.
The Physical Object as A Space
Our primary perceptions of space are related to physical objects. Our minds are seduced by the extension of the material world around us into believing that there is such a thing as empty space. This leads to confusion until one contextualizes what is happening. Studies of the brain in recent decades have shown that we have a center in the region of our brain called the hippocampus, which shapes our concept of physical space, helping us to navigate and manipulate the physical world (see: Hippocampus & Entorhinal cortex). Much like our vision, a process in our brain that takes colorless wavelengths of light and makes us see the richness of color, our brain may be smoothing out the rough edges of our spatial sense.
The other half of the equation is that we live in an expanding matrix. These combined phenomenon condition our concepts of space. In light of these, we should be wary of dogmatic perceptions we may personally hold regarding what space might be. At the same time, I want to assure the reader that we do interact with the physical word more or less as we believe we do, but for slightly different reasons than we have customarily believed. Once you grasp how the expansion of the matrix creates distance, it will come together for you. (see: Spatial Perspective and the Arrow of Time).
Expansion of the Matrix
The condition of all energy everywhere, is that it is augmenting. Field-spaces augment at different rates depending on their size. The only approximate constant for us are those parts of the field-spaces that appear as physical objects. All physical objects are expanding proportionally at a given rate depending on the ambient energy acquired from the master source, so that; such flow being equal, all identical physical objects will always be the same size at the same instant of time (in the actuality…not the reality). Any material object, by its existence has created its own space. This is not the same as when we perceive empty space. If we view distant objects, what is happening is that we are receiving delayed information via photons that are traversing an energy-field-medium (within the 2nd transformation space) to get to our eyes or instruments. These photons do not traverse the medium instantly, because a specific delay is produced per unit of medium. This delay makes the information relayed have a specific age depending on how long it was in transit. Older information will always interpret to us that the objects in question appear more distant (smaller), because they were smaller when the information started its journey. This is an energy-field creating a time-like buffer that mimics space.
The only preceding physical element that can be categorized as a true space as we perceive it, is the physical object itself, because it exhibits physical extent or magnitude. However, we tend to think of it as occupying space, not being the space. By its extension, it imparts an impression to us of what space is, which we in turn reapply as a concept of empty space. There is another chapter to be written on this subject related to the energy gradients and the differences in such gradients near and far away from massive objects. This part bridges over into gravitational fields and as such detracts from the current task of looking purely at the concept of spaces.
Function of The Only Dynamic Component Within EMT
One almost universally agreed upon description for energy is that it is dynamic, whether active or passive (potential). Should we be thinking though of “grand gesture” dynamics or “small gesture” dynamics? After all the energy apparent in the universe is awesome. As it turns out, it doesn’t seem to matter how much energy there might really be, based on the following conclusions:
The nature of all matrix energy is that it only augments or increases. From the point of view of dynamics, this is all it needs to do. So, augmentation alone, may in fact be the origin of all dynamics.
This leads to an axiom; that there is always more energy now (in the present), than there ever was in the past, hence…acceleration. This is the primitive background-time against which all events happen.
Energy by its very existence, acts like a positive, dynamic “surface condition” that has only two options; to react either towards itself (the same type of energy) or…that which does not exist, the void. When reacting toward itself or identical energy, there is a mutual dampening effect…when reacting against the void, it tries to fill it at an accelerating rate.
A conclusion can be tentatively drawn that energy augmentation makes sense as a prime directive of nature in that it gives change a positive direction, which in turn allows for the appearance of phenomenon that never existed before.
The preceding relates to an important conclusion; that if everything has come into existence, then “coming into existence” is probably the prime directive of all energy (as the totality of a unit).
Fundamental Dynamics
Summarizing to here; everything is made up of a single element, an expanding energy field. What is left is a non-element, the void or absolute space that the energy component exists within. The fact that the void exerts no influence on the energy at all, except by omission, paradoxically accounts for the augmentation of probabilities that seem to emerge in the outer boundaries of the energy field. These decrease inwards, dampened by energy’s own reaction against itself and the fact that even if there were no change in actual terms, any increase outwards would diminish the proportional value (apparent value) of the energy inwards. Another way to think of these probabilities would be as degrees of freedom (of motion). That is to say that any inward motion (gravitational effects) only appear that way whereas they are actually part of an expanding matrix, which is moving outwards. The relationship between energy and the void may be dependent on something as simple as the fact that, even though the void represents a zero potential, there cannot exist a zero potential between the two entities…much like there is no year “zero”, but the count goes from 1 BC to 1 AD. This results in the energy acting like a repulsing force. Such is not the same as saying that the pristine nature of energy “is” a repulsing force. For the time being, I am taking the stance that the appearance of forces happens when the quantum system creates a geometric tension that amplifies the difference between the two extremes, which in turn creates what are for us both attracting and repulsing forces.
An idea is emerging which represents a logical reduction in complexity for EMT; that the quantum system may actually be a system for metering the augmentation of this energy the way a stream of water might operate a Rube Goldberg device. Each molecule of water that moves out of the device is replaced by another moving in to keep the apparatus functioning. In EMT however, any augmentation remains part of the system as the quantum system grows proportionally.
There is no reason to suppose that this action ever had a beginning, as we know it. The infinity can be expected to reduce backwards as well as expand forwards. However, there are definite changes with transformations that one could refer to as epochs. These, in combination with the probabilities that emerge are the most complex issues to be contemplated. The growth of the primary field, as near as I can discern would have two possible configurations. My original assumption was radial, however for various reasons I have come to believe that a better assumption might be circumferential with a helical geometry. That is to say, energy is added in an expanding circumferential configuration, so that the total distribution of energy is always slightly asymmetric. This is another discussion complicated by the question of whether one can really apply geometry to the situation; or if so, in how many dimensions?
Because scale or proportion in time is the primary tool of measurement that dominates our sense of reality, one does not have to postulate a very robust early state of expansion. The slightest nudge outwards would seem sufficient. The acceleration does the rest, so that over eons of time these accumulations of energy invoke change, much like a growing bank account gives one freedom and resources to accomplish things that were previously impossible.
Although I can’t logically perceive the elementary substance as being particles, if we want to intuitively think of the reactive agent as being made up of minute particles with surface area, it helps to understand that it is the surface tension, giving each particle it’s unique separateness from every other particle in the universe. It is in fact related to the particle’s existence and its primary nature. We don’t need to invoke any other force to create a source of dynamics. That is to say; given that the surface tension is its reaction against every other particle, imparting to each particle it’s unique existence, we could ask; what would that particle be reacting against if surrounded only by the infinite void (or nothingness)? The assumption follows that it would push against it in all directions…hence, expand. This is an obscure facet of reality that lies at the crux of several dilemmas in physics. The search for the Higgs Boson is a search to stop all matter from expanding at the velocity of light. The electron is artificially attributed zero dimensions in quantum theory as a mathematical trick to stop it from expanding at the velocity of light. The gravitational relationship vis a vis gravitons is entirely repulsing, although few seem to notice the subtle nuances that the concept invokes. The idea that gravitinos are emitted by gravitons can be seen as a repulsing mechanism…than once a graviton senses incoming gravitinos; the idea that it fires gravitons in the opposite direction to propel it towards the other mass is entirely repulsing. If their fundamental natures need to be repulsing, why aren’t they expanding? In fact, why even use gravitons and gravitinos to explain gravity, when there is a more elegant mechanism embedded naturally into the fabric of an expanding matrix?
The Metaphysics of an Infinite Nothingness
Under this subheading I will go over some of the issues and thought processes I explored in trying to reconcile the delicate balance between creating a theory that tries to remain physical against feeling the necessity to consider the metaphysical questions that encroach on the process mainly because of the presence of an infinite void. I don’t approach the subject as an apologist, because I feel it must be assumed that beyond our universe there has to be an infinite “nothing”, and we will eventually be obliged to develop conclusions as to how a physical system will interact with it!
The prime directive I used when exploring this subject, was simplicity and I feel this is accomplished within EMT. So, at this point we are left with very few elements to ponder…in fact, only one, that of the energy. It is difficult to assume any contribution by the void except by omission. Nevertheless, this didn’t stop me from contemplating the idea that there might perhaps be some mysterious, metaphysical phenomenon originating there that impinges on the physical system. The one that comes to mind is based on the only possible quality that the void could possess, that of being infinite. What if that quality pervades everything in contrast to the finiteness of the energy? That is to say; what if there is an actual tension between the void and the energy and it is this tension that is at the root of everything that exists?
I interject here with a look at a fundamental mathematical principal regarding the type of infinity we would be speaking of here as relates to this space; it cannot have any numerical value, so no such operations can be applied to it (relative to the energy), whereas energy on the other hand, is finite, so can be treated mathematically. However because of its expansion into the void, it can be treated as temporally infinite. This is the crux of the aforementioned “tension” and appears as the origin of a primitive arrow of “time” (and perhaps the only real time), the background against which all subsequent arrows of time emerge.
A side point, is a conclusion that has appeared several times, under several different guises (when I wasn’t really looking for it), that the total energy as a static number acts as though it has a value of 1, whereas when treated as a dynamic value equals cc (whatever this means). The appearance of the number 1, is the more understandable of the two, because it seems to mean that all energy internally responds as a single unit. Such might embrace quantum qualities such as action at a distance, quantum tunneling, etc.
Gradients Within the Energy Field
An absurdity that might help grasp the reaction of energy to the void is to imagine the energy component as a sphere floating in this infinite space. You hear a voice saying “nothing is holding it up, no strings, no force fields…nothing”. If you’re like most people, your imagination would probably revert to seeing it falling away into the void. However, the fact is there is no up, down, sideways nor bottom to the void. It is infinite in all directions. If we continued using this vector analogy, we would have to say it is falling in all directions at the same time…i.e: expanding. This infers that the void draws the energy outwards. However common sense tells me that the void can do nothing. The expansion must have an origin as a quality of the energy itself. Still, how the interaction persists is a mystery that keeps vexing me…
The dominant quality of the energy is that it occupies its own space and will not share it with other energy like itself. This results in the energy on the periphery acting differently than the energy inwards. There will be a gradient of decreasing dynamics (a dampening effect) proceeding inwards. That is to say; inversely…the energy on the periphery where there is zero resistance, accelerates outwards at a maximum rate from instant to instant. The cusp of this change creates new possibilities i.e. probabilities, which also degenerate inwards.
These gradients represent a strange form of acrobatics that energy performs. For while it’s outward reactive quality makes it expand and behave like a repulsing force, when it reacts against itself, both sides of the interaction lose energy or they dampen each other in a form of recoil. The energy seems lost, but it has not disappeared. It has either bled away into the matrix and is elsewhere or in the case of some particle-geometries, the energy is stored inwardly as momentum energy. Either way, the drop in available energy creates the quality we recognize as mass. However, even the part of the field that is losing energy by this means would still be expanding as part of the greater matrix. The drop in energy is only an apparent (relative) local occurrence as the overall matrix energy constantly augments.
Beads on a String
To help us develop our intuition for the way energy reacts with itself at an a priori level, we can picture a sample as a finite number of repulsing beads threaded on an infinite, taut string. Starting them out in a compressed configuration, lined up and touching, if we let them go, their natural tendency is going to be to move apart, separating from each other. The outer beads will separate easily, whereas those beads nearer the center will be crowded and unable to separate as much or as quickly. A centered bead would not be able to move at all because of equal pressure from both directions. The next set of beads outward would separate slightly and separation would increase with each set of beads progressively further out.
To conform to our theory, we think of the repulsing beads as an emanating field that moves towards infinity at a finite rate. We could create a control-model of the interaction by simultaneously releasing three control beads on a different string and watching their separation over time. This would give us a standard by which to observe a larger quantity of beads over an equivalent period of time. What we would see happening then, is the center bead would remain immobile while the beads on either side would begin to separate, this separation would be increase with those beads moving outwards from the center. Comparing the speed of separation with the 3-bead model over the same period of time, we would see the inward beads moving slower than these, whereas those beads closest to the outer limit would be moving much faster. This is because the momentum energy from the inner beads is transferred to those beads further out, so that we could hypothesize that their relative speeds starting at the center would proceed: n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5…etc. in both directions (n0, representing the center bead in both models). At some point we should find two beads equidistant from center with a separation speed equivalent to the 2-bead model. The universal constant would be this rate separation. We could call this reality’s point of dynamic equilibrium. This point of dynamic equilibrium represents on all scales the physical surface of objects. One might notice that the larger the quantity of beads in a test grouping, the greater the difference in both maximum and minimum speeds at the macro scale (the greater the difference, the greater the mass). This is an important quality to keep in mind for later when we re-create gravitation from what is essentially a repulsing energy.
If we conceptualize ourselves as having a frame of reference that is at this point of dynamic equilibrium and look inwards, those beads would have vectors pointing backwards (inwards). Outward beads would have outward pointing vectors. If you imagine every object in our world as having this same differential geometry, then the inward pointing vectors can be perceived as representing an attracting force and the outward vectors…because it is moving away would represent a space-like field. The combinations of these two differential geometries represent the gravitational force/field with the curvature of space-time embodied within it as an relative observational result. The key element to remember is that all of this happens because the surface of “everything” (baryon matter) is expanding at a reaction constant; c…inwards slower…outwards faster, corresponding to more energy outwards. These energy gradients can be associated with probabilities. If one thinks of this model of spatial dynamics in terms of the way increased energy correlates to more erratic molecular behavior, it starts to make sense why increasing distance from a target, increases the difficulty of hitting it. The energy gradient is so fine that it correlates to us as a mathematical law of probabilities imbedded within spacetime.
What has been considered here is the void and the two transformation spaces. Most of the rest of this website is dedicated to the third space (second transformation space), within which, our reality is embedded.
In this part, I’ve tried to simplify the elements to their minimum in the hope that any weaknesses or flaws might become manifest. The questions of “nothing” and “infinity” are extremely difficult to model as abstract concepts and more so, when one tries to mate them to a physical system. We could conclude by saying “this is where the complexity begins”, with a need for a new school of infinity studies.